Sunday, January 29, 2012

Terrible at Keeping a Blog

This is my second attempt at a blog. I will try to do better with this one as I plan on blogging somehow when we're in China so Big Brother Joseph will be able to follow our journeys. Although we would love to bring Joseph with us, we both know Joseph is not quite ready for an extended trip. Even on short trips/visits, by the third night he is ready to go home to his bed. So even though I can't think about how much I'm going to miss him, i do think it's the best decision for our family. A few weeks ago Joseph and I talked about Nicholas coming home. I explained we would have to fly over the ocean and stay in china a bit and then fly back over the ocean and then we would be home. I then asked if he would like to come with his. Joseph's response: "No. I just want to drive to China, pick up Nicholas and come home." if only it were that easy! I have to tell ya, I'm not the greatest traveler either so I'm a little anxious to get this trip started and over! When we went to Korea, my girlfriend, Cathy, and I were in and out in 5 days! This time my husband will go with me and hopefully he'll take the lead on our journey!