Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Just some notes...

Nicholas is doing very well except he really doesn't want to go to sleep at night unless i'm there up until the very end -- eyes closed/deep breathing! 

Just be warned... whoever babysits/watches Nicholas, be careful what you do or say in front of him because he will do the EXACT SAME THING!  don't open anything in front of him unless you want him to open it.  don't carry anything into the next room unless you want him to find more of what you just carried and bring it into the next room. 

yesterday Joseph opened the car door and he and nicholas climbed in while i was loading things in the back and i turned around to find nicholas sitting in the driver's seat with his hands on the steering wheel AND he was a little upset when i moved him back to his seat.

Nicholas talks and talks and talks and sings and, well, just never shuts up really.  I'm anxious to hear how he'll talk once his palate is repaired because he sure tries to say everything we're saying.   some of his favorite words are:

Jo-Jo (but it sounds more like yo-yo.)
Mommy, Mama
Nose (no S.  can't say that yet so sounds like "no")
Ear (or something that sounds like it while pointing to ear)
More (which he says and signs every time he's eating)
Sit (which sounds like "it" while he's pointing to where he wants you to sit)
Jack (which sounds more like "yak")
Kitty (which doesn't sound like Kitty.  i just know because he's pointing at Kitty)

And the list could go on and on because he follows his big brother and/or me around all day doing and saying what we're doing until one of us says, No, Nicholas!

he's also getting bigger and is fitting into 18-month clothing!  He will still eat quite a bit, but he's much pickier about what he wants to eat. 

Well, gotta go.  He's waking up from his sweet, sweet nap.

Fun at the Splash Pad

as usual, nicholas is afraid of nothing and i spent a lot of time chasing after him at the splash pad, but still got some pics in!

Olympics Little Gym Style

Joseph went to gymnastics this summer and he received a gold medal!  Okay, all the kids received a gold medal.


When they let us come in to take pics, I found a perfect spot for Nicholas.  But I don't think he agreed. 

oh, well.  the other baby seemed content.  :)

Time to Break out the Trains

Well, he's been home long enough and it's been hot enough to break out the trains! 

Cute Pics of Nicholas