I must admit as the time gets closer and closer to travel, I'm freaking out about so many things. Things that don't even have to do with bringing Nicholas home, but things like do I have Joseph in the right pre-school, should I switch schools, should I have signed him up at the park district soccer rather than the Y soccer, when should I go back to work after Nicholas comes home, should I go back to work at all, what daycare should I choose for Nicholas when I go back to work, and the list goes on and on....
Now, keep in mind, I don't even have the room ready for Nicholas yet. That's right. I'm traveling in about 5 to 6 weeks and I haven't got the boys room set up. crazy; huh? And don't even talk to me about packing. I started a "box" in the guest room of things to pack for Nicholas. Well, that box is overflowing, beyond overflowing. Let's just say it's waaaaay out of hand. so I'll need to re-think a few things.
And then every time I check out a new Facebook group or Yahoo group or simply talk to friends and fellow travelers I find out MORE STUFF that I did not know that I need to do and to pack and to buy.
Oh, yeah, and I decided I need the house painted. Inside. yep, I've got a painter coming to my house the third week of april to paint my kitchen, living room, laundry room, and family room. AND I needed new blinds for the boys' room and, well, while the man's here measuring for those blinds, I decide I need new blinds in my room too. They'll be installed in the next couple of weeks.
I guess I've just got the adoption crazies. It wasn't this bad with Joseph because he was our first child. And we had only lived in our house a couple of years and there wasn't much that needed to be done except prepare a baby's room. AND the biggest difference is I was going to have Joseph escorted from Korea and then when he was paper-ready to travel at 9 months and 1 week old, my girlfriend and I jumped on a plane for a whirlwind trip to Korea for five days. Yep, five days. In and out. Probably too quickly, but that's the way it happened. so I never had time to "plan" to travel. It just happened.
Well, now to wait for our Article 5 which should happen in a couple of weeks. So until then, on with the craziness.