Thursday, September 6, 2012

New Haircut

Joseph wanted his hair cut short so we did it.  I have to say it took my breath away with the first swipe of the clippers across his head because it was so short, but when Joseph looked in the mirror while sitting on the 4-wheeler "chair," he said, AWESOME!  I LOVE IT!

It makes him look like such a grown-up little boy, but it makes him happy for two reasons: 

1.  His hair is now like Daddy's, and
2.  He looks like Paul! 


  1. He DOES look more like Paul with short hair. Love that he picked the shorter cut....and love the "mean" faced picture at the end.

  2. He looks great! I have thought have doing this with Brian, but I am chicken.

  3. You were in Decatur?! You little stinker, that is so close to us! Lol! I love his hair!! He does look so much older!
