Thursday, November 1, 2012

Rhodes Family Farm

Better late than never....

Here's pictures of a pumpkin farm that I just love.  It's in Worden, Illinois and it's a FARM!  it costs 5 bucks to get in and they have tricycles, a maze, little barrel train the kids can ride, HUGE tire swings,  and goats and the Three Little Pigs that you can feed.  They really are the Three Little Pigs 'cause I saw their houses and they're made just like in the books.  And they had little, little baby goats this year.

Yeah, you drive out to the pumkin patch through the woods and such, BUT the big excitement of the day is the Pumpkin and Gourd Cannons.  This is a lot of fun to watch the dads with their sons. 

Dad:  you want to shoot the cannon?
Son:  Yay!  I get to shoot the cannon!

Then just when the son steps up to aim the cannon the dad immediately leans over to "help" their sons aim the cannon properly.

Anyway, this is a great place and I love it because it's all open space, not a lot of peeps, and you can let your kids run and run!

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