Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's Almost Time to Go!

Well, two more nights at home and off we go to China to meet Nicholas on Monday, May 21.  We're all very excited.  Grandmas are excited to spend time with Joseph.  Joseph is excited to spend time with them and with his cousins in St. Louis and in Centralia. 

He did say tonight that he'll miss me.  I said I know and I'll miss you too, but the next time you see me I'll be holding your baby brother Nicholas.  and then he was too excited for words.   I'm so happy Joseph will have baby brother.  He is SOOOO looking forward to being the big brother who will teach Nicholas everything he knows!

I'm off to get some sleep.  Tomorrow is the final packing of our stuff and Joseph's stuff for his travels.  And, of course, some last minute cleaning since my mother and mother-in-law will be at my house along with some friends popping in to check on the cat. 

so far so good. 


  1. And so starts the blog stalking!! And you haven't even left yet!!! Ha! Ha! So excited for you guys!!!!
