Thursday, May 24, 2012

Nicholas' Personality

Well, each minute as he becomes more and more comfortable, his personality comes out more and more!

He's becoming quite the independent little man who loves to laugh and play.  He'll play really well by himself, but then wants to play games with mommy and daddy.  We're very lucky that he likes to be with both of us.  Many of the children want one parent or the other.  Actually, in the first couple of days, Nicholas wanted both of us together.  If one of us walked away, he would get upset.  Now he seems pretty content with either one of us. 

He's actually learning Hey, there's all kinds of food and I can start to select what I want.  If I don't want something they're offering and prefer something else on the table, all I have to do is purse my lips and turn my head!  Awesome!  Oh, yeah, and my formula -- forget about it!  Too bad the parents spent the money on that; huh?  Just push that bottle away!  These people have delicious Pedialyte and sometimes the milk tastes okay too! 

Well, I gotta go.  Nicholas is ready to leave this room for dinner!  Even though about an hour ago he had a cookie, yogurt and a bowl of ramen noodles!

Nicholas seems a lot like Joseph.  Pretty easygoing, but then there will be moments of he wants something his way.  Only here we're trying to figure out what in the world he wants!  He babbles quite a bit and, of course, we have not idea what he's saying; but he's sure picking up on our language and our gestures pretty quick!


  1. He sounds awesome. I can't wait to meet him. I'm so glad he's not crying and giving you trouble. But that is actually a bit sad. I hope he wasn't ignored so much that he doesn't bother to cry when he's unhappy.

    I got to see Joseph briefly at mom and dad's house. I'm planning to kidnap him for a while on Saturday. :-) There is a tractor involved. You'll get pictures.

  2. Don't worry about the "not crying" he's used to us now and definitely does not want to go to sleep at nap or at bed. last night i had to finally let him cry it out, but it only lasted a few minutes because he was so tired! Even when I picked him up to try to console him he wasn't happy so maybe it's part of his grieving or maybe this is what i'll have at home! YIKES! can't wait to see pics of joseph. i miss him sooooo much!
