Thursday, June 21, 2012

It's Been a Few Days

Didn't realize it had been a few days since my last post.  Time flies when you're chasing a toddler, breaking up battles of who got to the toy first, of saying for the 1000th time "stop pushing your brother," rocking and rocking and rocking a toddler to sleep, picking up around the house for it to only look the same in an hour, doing laundry and more laundry. 

My sister-in-law said it the best.  You'd think having the second kid would just double the work, but instead it quadruples it!   Hats off to you my friends with 3 and 4 kids! 

I truly admire the stay-at-home moms!  I toyed with that idea, but now I'm simply trying to find a babysitter for a couple days a week so I can go back to work!  I'll be the stay-at-home mom when the kids are in school full-time! 

Seriously, though, we are getting into the swing of things slowly.  Nicholas is napping better, but at nighttime it's just easier to let him fall asleep with one of us on our bed and then put him in the crib.  He does sleep all night. 

The harder thing about adopting a toddler versus a baby is I'm always trying to figure out what he did before, what was he used to before.  Adopting Joseph at 9 months was easier in that you feed him, change him, love him, comfort him, and try to follow his old schedule. 

Nicholas already has so much of a personality that I'm still trying to figure him out and what he was used to.    He seems to be to the exact opposite of everything I was expecting in adopting from an institution.    Ever since the first day of evaluating us and then coming out of his shell, he's got a huge personality!  I mean, the report I received from the caregiver said he was an introvert and likes to play by himself.  Um, no, he's not and no, not really.  He's very social and follows Joseph around constantly. 

I did mention his temper before.  I think he simply has no patience for ANYTHING including himself.  He'll try to do something once and if it doesn't work, rather than try again, he gets upset.  Type A personality I guess.  This should be fun!  Mommy doesn't have patience either!  And the other day when I told Joseph to wait and have patience, he said, "I don't like patience."  Couldn't have said it better myself!

Well, here's some pics!

He insists on feeding himself with a fork/spoon which is so nice!  Well, that's what the dogs are for -- clean-up! 

Here's Nicholas wanting out of his seat now!

And here's Nicholas getting into "things."

Here's Joseph taking a picture of me taking a picture of him.

And, lastly, here's a little surprise from Nicholas.  Joseph went into their bathroom and and came back out and said, "um, Mommy, there's something in the toilet."

Needless to say, that's a book I've been reading a lot more of lately!

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