Sunday, June 24, 2012

Post for Mom and Joseph

I never want to forget this.

Last night while watching a Baby Einstein video before bed and rocking Nicholas, Joseph asked me what my favorite part of the day was and I told him watching my two boys run around the house playing. 

When I asked him what his favorite part of the day was, Joseph said, "This." 

I said, "Watching your video?" 

He said, "No, being with you."

Of course, I thought that was the sweetest thing ever and started to cry.   And then he was worried about me because I was crying and I had to try to explain it was a good cry.

 My heart hurts for him because he's had so much change since Nicholas has been home and it's been hard on him.  Actually, it's just been a roller coaster ride that he's not used to.

I love him, love him, love him. 

1 comment:

  1. Sweetest boy ever. He has such a tender heart and you should be proud that you and James have molded him into such a sweet boy. Give him a hug and kiss from us!
